Where to Start Building Referrals.
Feb 09, 2023
Where do you even start when you want to build referring partnerships? What would a successful relationship look like?
There are only so many people you can talk to in a day and in a week. As your business grows, you quickly become aware that you can’t spend all day every day working on selling your business- you need people to help you.
A strong Referral partner can do that.
Someone who refers to you provides:
- Free marketing and testimonials to those you haven’t been able to contact
- Authority (someone else shared how you can help)
- Qualified Strong leads (they know what you do, and they know what the customer needs)
Who do you know who could be that resource for your business?
The first step is to think about other businesses you know that you could complement.
Building Momentum Resources helps organizations with marketing and sales. An example could be a business banking officer.
They speak with other businesses that may be frustrated with their marketing and sales.
The banking officer does not offer marketing help, but they will look like the hero to their customer if they can provide them with a helpful resource for their problem.
How to nurture new referral sources
- Target Other Business People. Think outside the box- What business could use you as a resource for their clients?
- Set up a meeting. Communicate your desire to be a resource for their clients.
- Discover their customers’ needs. Ask, “What do you find your customers struggle with the most? What is the most frustrating thing for them?
You can become confident in your sales conversations.
Sales conversations are intimidating when the only thing you are sure of is you don’t want to be "salesy."
Building Momentum Sales Coaching teaches you a conversation framework that feels natural and gives you the confidence to sell more.
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